
LIFE: A Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

Lutheran Senior LIFE (LIFE) is a program delivering all healthcare services to seniors with chronic care needs. In addition, the program ensures participants can live independently in their home for as long as possible. We are conveniently located in Jersey City, adjacent to Jersey City Medical Center.

When LIFE opened in the fall of 2010, it introduced Hudson County seniors to an innovative approach to healthcare known as “PACE” (the federally-recognized Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly).

What is the LIFE Program and How Does it Work?

At Lutheran Senior LIFE we provide the healthcare services you as a participant may need–including access to doctors, nurses, therapies, social interactivity, and well-balanced meals. Dependent on your level of mobility, we either transport you to our center or bring these services directly to you in your home.

LIFE offers a comprehensive, team approach to your healthcare. Once enrolled, the LIFE team assesses each participant’s unique medical, emotional, and social needs in order to build a care plan just for you.

Additionally, our participants must receive all needed healthcare, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services) from Lutheran Senior LIFE and our staff or from an entity authorized by Lutheran Senior LIFE.

Our participants thrive in our community-centered program. LIFE care plans provide structured routines and planned group activities—all in a positive and supportive environment.

Who Pays?

If you are eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, all Lutheran Senior LIFE provided services are covered at no additional cost. For individuals who do not have both Medicare and Medicaid, there may be costs associated with this program. We also accept private pay clients. Participants may also be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-LIFE program agreement services.